Monday, 14 March 2011

Me and my kitteeeeeeeh cat.
having a stressful time back at college with exam stuff, re-submissions of past work etc etc the list goes on. I often find myself sat at home treating myself to a well deserved cuppa, that hasnt really been deserved at all, having not done any work i am meant to have done. I feel myself slipping out of organisation and onto last minute mountain, its not a lonely place though i must admit. Either way, i've got a friends birthday massive gathering sort of thing on friday and ive nothing to wear as i always find, i hate all of my heels too, so dressing up a casual outfit isnt on the agenda either, i've been looking everywhere for some reasonably priced heeled loafers, baring in mind im on a fairly tight budget of student living (i feel college counts as that) if anyone has seen anything and is reading this... please please help me. this has been a pathetic ramble of an excuse for a post, enjoy my cat,baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

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